Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Approach SEO Properly So You Avoid Wasted Time

When you think about the importance of SEO, then it is a no-brainer that you can count on it being a factor, indefinitely. Getting traffic through the search engines is nothing new, and has been practiced by online marketers and webmasters for a long time now. Ever since the latest Panda series of updates, things have definitely changed at Google in many ways. The best approach if you are relatively new to it all is to really get the basics down cold. We have selected a couple of important fundamental areas of search engine optimization.

You cannot have Flash on your site, or should not, if you want to rank very highly as it is a definite no-no. If you have it then you will have to work a lot harder for your ranking effort. Search engine spiders cannot read Flash, and therefore pages that are built in it don't rank well, so it's better to stick to the plain old HTML page that is readable. So you have to ask yourself what is more important to you, the Flash or proper SEO. Now let's turn out attention to the images on your pages because they are useful. There are a few things you can do that will give you a few more SEO points. Include a relevant keyword or phrase in the image ALT tag which is part of the file name, but do not keyword stuff. You will gain a few more points from this, but just be sure that it is relevant to the page. So we will mention again that all must be relevant in order to get the maximum value.

Social media backlinks can bring you both a lot of traffic as well as a needed backlink. Of course those sites are huge with PR and that is something you want to have. So when you regularly put out your links through social media, you will have an advantage SEO wise. If you do this, then be smart about how you go about it and just be like you would anywhere else.

Finding long term success with SEO is all about taking the right step at the right time. So, along with proven SEO methods, you will need to have all the other pieces of the puzzle in place.

So, we have given you some excellent and reliable information to get you going. Do not shy away from the need to keep your efforts constant, but the rewards can make it definitely worth it to you. The early part of it is hard for many people, and that is where you need to be on your toes.

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