SEO is not a bad thing when you consider all the potential benefits, and not to mention that you can make tons of money, possibly. You know how long this game has been going on, and it really has been like a war between online marketers, businesses and Google/Bing/Yahoo. Google's main concern is to provide the best results for their visitors, and that is their product - relevant search results. But you can still beat the SEO game if you want, and we highly recommend you gain knowledge of the basics, and that will take you very far. So if you're just starting out with SEO, then the following few basic tips should help you have a great start.
You will always find that a less complicated design for your site will work to your favor in almost all cases across the SEO board.
There is only one thing that your visitors will ever want, and that is excellent information that gives value - not fancy things that do not matter. Keep in mind that your site is being measured in terms of browser load time plus visitor stay time. You have to think of both your visitors, first, and then the search engines because it just matters.
Do not get upset if you totally screw-up something, we all have done that in some form. You do not ever want to spin your wheels, so if you cannot figure out what happened, then get help.
If you find a pattern in what you are doing, and it is the wrong thing, then just stop and even consider hiring somebody who knows what is going on. So when you are able to do that, then you will eventually hit a critical mass where the mistakes are rare.
Your efforts with SEO will be made a little easier when you choose a domain name which has your primary keyword phrase as part of the name. One thing about that is the value has diminished a little bit, but it is still very much worth your time to have that in your domain. Having single page URLs containing some or all of the keywords it is optimized for is a good idea, too. If you buy good ebooks or a course on SEO, then you will see a lot more about that discussed in them.
You can get so much out of your business and the net with SEO, and we heartily recommend you do it. Of course things change usually as a response to what people do to defeat or work around the requirements Google has. The info that we talked about in the above article just goes on to show the efforts that you need to put in to perfect your basics. What you end up doing after all is said and done just depends on your level of motivation and desire to build a business.
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